Scope of Work
Worked on the logo, branding and creating a concise brand book | Website design and quality checks | Bi-weekly magazine designs and marketing collateral | Ideating, executing and designing enticing and captivatingforms of products to educate kids about nature, scienceand wildlife
Date/ Year
Project Category
Job / Full-Time / Nerdbird
Logo Ideation
Creating a visually clean and simple element to portray the brand's essence.
'N' indicates a hidden pencil; a start to the journey of learning and discovery
'B' has a beak hidden in the curvature to imply a bird's free spirit implying the want to experiment and learn new topics.
The following iteration uses the word 'bird' from the brand name in a literal form to show a community.
The logo form represents the letters 'B' and 'D' interlocking with each other showing the two sides of the brand, teachers and students who unite to form the NerdBird.
Magazine Layouts and designs for a naturalist-themed kid’s bi-monthly magazine subscription.
Each magazine would consist of articles about recent news and discoveries of wildlife and nature. They would also include games, quizzes, activities and contests which would be connected to the naturalist circle community built on the platform 'Mighty Network.'
Social Media Posts:
Snippets of the vast number of themes incorporated into the brand language and page.