Rudy's Kitchen
Branding | Packaging | Illustration | Social media
GIF of mockups of branding including packaging, thank you cards and stickers for the brand 'Rudy's Kitchen'
Logo & Branding | Social media | Marketing | Packaging
GIF of mockups including packaging, folders and branding for the brand 'NERDBIRD'
Bingz Canada
Posters | TV screen designs | Pop Up event design
Poster Designs | Social media | Creating templates
GIF of mockups of posters for OCAD U's Centre for Emerging Artists and Designers
Look Branding
Logo & Branding | Social media | Marketing
GIF of mockups of branding including packaging, labels and visiting cards for the brand 'LOOK'



Hey there, thanks for popping by!

Me, in short

I'm a Graphic Designer and Illustrator with a focus on crafting long-lasting and meaningful brand identities. I also have expertise in marketing and creative campaigns. As an upcoming inclusive designer, I am learning to reposition myself and derive work that adds purpose. 

 My journey has led me to collaborate with diverse brands, both during my college years and beyond. I thrive on exploring new ideas, staying adaptable, and learning continuously. 



About me


Want to work together? 

While I specialise in the visual design of educational resources or logos and branding of companies, a lot of 'What I Do'  involves brainstorming and ideating behind the screens! 

As a designer trying to constantly be aware and grow, I am looking forward to delving more into meaningful work and growing communitiesI am always open to new opportunities! 

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